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The BarcAlien winning aftermath: The Gunners react

Thank God its Friday.

Time to rest, party, drink and do any other thing that you didn’t have the chance to do from Monday to Thursday.

This Friday is a lot different from other Fridays. I still find myself in euphoria even if the game was played 2 days ago. I’m pretty sure that I’m not the only gooner that feels this way.

Firstly, I’ll start with the “not so bad news”. Our Swiss brick wall Johan Djourou picked up a back injury so he won’t be “available” for our away FA tie with Leyton Orient on Sunday.

Our Usain Theo Bolt will face a “fitness” test for the game because it seems as if he tweaked his hammy in the tie against the BarcAliens. I believe that he’ll be fit to play the red striped Rugby outfit on Tuesday.

The BarcAliens have this “attitude” when it comes to footballing issues. The only person that seems “humble” enough is the demigod coach Pep. He tends to “play down” his team’s ability then do the exact opposite on the field of play. When he was interviewed in December with all questions directed to his draw against Arsenal, he told the media Vultures that he was scared of this tie.

It’s good to see that nightmares come true sometimes. In the horror flick “Nightmare on Elm street”, people dream of evil Freddy Krueger. We all knew what good ol’ Freddy did with his claws in that movie.

Unlike Pep, the BarcAlien playing is filled up arrogant loud mouthed dim witted dwarfy twats that made our summer holidays not as “sweet” as we wanted.

They wanted to woo El Capitan back to Krypton after AW the Alchemist had converted him into solid gold. The tallest BarcAlien put their scum clothing on him while they were celebrating their World Cup victory.

The midfield god Xavi is undoubtedly one of the best midfielders that have graced football. He has been in the game since the time when driving lessons where taken on dinosaurs. He was also part of that squad that won the World Cup.

He uttered loads of crap that would have overfed trolls when the name Fabregas was mentioned. We all know the “Barca DNA” cliche. The most annoying of them all was when he told the media Vultures that our captain is on “loan” to Arsenal. He even said that he was confident that El Capitan would become an Alien.

I guess the price tag we placed on our captain was like a big “scarecrow” for the BarcAlien birds.

He was present in the squad that were taught a footballing lesson in the Emirates Hot gates.

He says that the game between us and them wasn’t a “slip up”, it was just a “footballing accident”.

More mouth crap for the trolls and more manure for the Earth.

Their Saturn headed right back/winger said that he’s confident that they’ll overturn the deficit and qualify to the quarters.

I hope we invoke our road to Paris 06′ Champions League form and head to Wembley. The last time I checked, we have 3 scheduled visits to Wembley this season. One in February and 2 in May.

Enough about the Aliens.

Nicklas “Wald Bezt” Bendtner said that the BarcAliens looked tired during training before kickoff.

I believe Nick. Pep has used basically the same squad from day 1 till Wednesday night. They have 11 players and few younglings from their Mutant Academy. That’s their bloody problem. I don’t give a pig’s snout.

Djourou said that the squad is destined for greatness. It’s good to see that he played a major role.

At the start of the season, he and Szszsz were the number “4’s” in their positions. Vermaelen’s “3 day” injury and Squillaci’s poor form gave him his chance while Almunia’s form dip/injuries, Mannone’s loan move and Flyin Fabbi’s surgery ensured that Szszsz staked his own claim.

Fabregas and Wilshere said that Wednesday’s night’s game was their “best” ever in Arsenal colours.

Fabregas also called for focus and said that we’ll like to score an early goal then let them come at us.

The last time we scored an early goal and let them “come at us”, the result was catastrophic. But as they always say,”Lightening can’t strike the same place twice”

Besides we don’t have 5 or 6 injuries and we are a year older.

Wilshere put up the picture of him and his dad wielding Messi and Xavi’s jersey on Twitter.

This tweet explains how our Whizkhid got the jersey

“@cesc4official: @jack_wilshere cant believe i had 2 go to get Messi’s shirt for u. U wer so scared. u wer MOTM so next time pls ask ursef”

El Capitan the #snitch

That’s all for now.


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